Now, when you're a knitter, it seems like every day is sweater day, or hat day, or sock day, or whatever you happen to be making that particular day, but in Canada today it's been declared National Sweater Day, so how could we not write about it?

Their website features yarn and knitting needles all over the place, and even allows you to pick your own personal "granny" to send you a text or call you on February 7th to remind you to put on your sweater. While I'm not keen on the not-so-subtle suggestion that knitting and grannies go hand in hand (aren't we over that by now?) it's a great concept---a simple way to get people thinking about small changes we can all make to have a big impact on our planet.
In honour of sweater day, I'm posting a couple of favourites. First, a sweater I made for my wonderful partner Patrick last year (right). This pattern is Brownstone by Jared Flood (who I wrote about yesterday). I used Tanis Fiber Arts Green Label yarn (an all-time favourite for sure), and I loved how it turned out.
I also find myself fantasizing about what I'd knit if I were able to cast on a sweater for myself today (assuming I'd finished everything currently on my needles...sigh). I've been a little obsessed lately with a pattern by Ririko called Relax. It's a boxy pullover-styled sweater with a wide neckline and 3/4 sleeves, knitted up in a sport weight yarn. I love its clean, modern look and the easy casual style its got. I think I'd knit it up in something from Northbound Knitting's yarn collection, in a medium heathered charcoal grey. I'm drooling already. :-)
I'd love to hear back from some of you with your favourites in honour of sweater day? What sweater are you wearing? What sweater project was your favourite? And what sweater would you start for yourself if you could?
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